Reps, Promoters & Officials
Please submit the following information so we can add you to our IKF Representatives, Officials and/or Promoters web pages. Please complete all fields, and be sure to provide a large, high-resolution photo at 1000 X 1000 pixels in sizes (10MB or less) so we can edit it accordingly.
Semi-Contact Promoter
Our semi-contact points tournaments are a great way for you to get involved in promoting fights under the IKF umbrella in your area.
This includes Point Kickboxing (PKB), Point Muay Thai (PMT) and Point Boxing (PBSC). No knockouts are allowed and fighters must maintain control of their strikes. These events are fought outside of a ring and consist of 1, 1.5 & 2 x 2-minute rounds.
If you’d like to become an IKF Semi-Contact Promoter, please complete the form below.
Full-Contact Promoter
The IKF is one of the largest and most reputable Kickboxing and Muay Thai promotions in the World. We’re always looking for qualified promoters to become part of our Team. When you promote your events under the IKF brand, fighters from all over the world recognize that your promotion is more than just a local event; it’s an IKF Sanctioned event. This means the fighters who participate in your IKF Sanctioned event have legitimate records through a world recognized sanctioning body, instead of just a local promotion. It also validates championship bouts to ensure that fighters are truly competing against the best in their weight class to earn an IKF title.
If you’d like to become an IKF Full-Contact promoter in conjunction with the Art of Kickboxing (AK) Promotions and receive some of the great benefits of our organization, please complete the form below.
Being one of the most reputable Kickboxing and Muay Thai promotions in the World, we’re always working to expand our Team with individuals who are passionate about our sports. If you’d like to get started as an Official with the IKF, complete the form below. If chosen, you’ll be asked to start with PKB, PMT and PBSC events to gain valuable experience as a judge or referee. If you’d like to move up to amatuer and professional events, you’ll be asked to shadow our experienced Team for many events, and we’ll work you into bout judging to test your skill. Finally, you’ll be tested on your knowledge. When the IKF feels you are ready, you’ll be asked to work an event.
If you’d like to become an IKF Official, please complete the form below.
To request a sanctioned event with AK Promotions, complete this form below.
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